Project 1: Representing 'Me'
This ice-breaking project mainly introduces the method in generation of concepts and ideas and conceptual narratives. The objective of this project is to interpret 'self' and convert into an abstracted idea in the form of 3-D artwork (mask, glove, sculpture, object or other 3-D forms).
In this following project, I had choosen to use mask as the medium to represent the idea and concept of 'ME'.
I am an introvert, a person who do not like to talk to other people, or in other word calls a reticent person. From my design, the mask was initially symmetrical and half of it in different appearance. This represents my 2 sides: the introvert and the non-introvert. I tended to be more socialized therefore I have the another side, the way to become not an introvert.
Concept and idea of the mask
Investigation in pattern of the mask, what does it mean?
In the finalised idea, the mask consists 2 parts, which is the black one represents the introvert and the white with colourful part represents the non-introvert part.
For the black colour part, the eye side close to the end of the mask is cut that represents my another characteristic, observant, as introvert I don't usually talk, so i tend to observe surrounding or solutions rather than asking somebody. The mouth part is covered as introvert don't communicate much with other, and the brain part is hollowed to represent introvert used to think idea, but from thinking idea without sharing, the idea may come out with not applicable or contain limitation.
For the white colourful part, the surrounding aroud the eye part contains colourful lines exploded out to the end of mask, that represents I tend to use eye to observe things, so idea comes from observation before thinking in the brain. The mouth is uncovered as I have overcome the introvert characteristic and start to communicate with people, and the brain part is fullfilled which means the idea is shared to other therefore people may know my idea and correct the wrong, the idea is mostly perfect. The white colourful part is overlaid the black colour part represents for now, I had succeed to overcome my introvert part but somehow, I tend to revert myself back to an introvert for sometime, therefore the mask is halved for each characteristic, but not fully become non-introvert.
Final Submission of the mask, titled Sight, represents the oberver.
The material of the mask I choosed to use is cardboard because cardboard is suitable to represent the texture and feeling of the mask. Although the mask is simple, it still represents my characteristic. The mask contains several characteristics which are mostly observant, introvert and I am a simple person, simple is suitable to describe 'ME'.
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